On Tue, 7 Jan 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Over the last year, I've done many installations and upgrades of
> debian using dselect.  During that time, I've learned how to use it --
> and I find it quite comfortable use.  What you are used to is easy, I
> guess.  Since we seem to be picking on dselect's user interface again,
> I wish it had more "emacs-like" key bindings, but it's a marvelous
> tool as it is, IMHO.
The same here as i have to admit. I installed Debian the first time
half a year ago and *hated* dselect. I remember that a complaint of
mine to the list about it's awkwardness and counter intuitive
interface started one of these regularilyy reappearing discussions
about dselect. In the meantime i have become used to it and feel
almost comfortable with it although i still consider it to be awkward
and counter intuitive. You still do have to read it's documentation
because almost everything of the keybindings seems to be non standard.
I too wished it had at least emacs or vi key bindings for a start. 
> Whatever happens to dselect, I would hate to have it move to X, which
> is not the first thing I want to figure out with a new machine, or to
> any interface that _makes_ me take my hands off the keyboard.  Just
> another data point.
I don't care for any X version although it could probably enhance the
program somehow like the xconfig thing from the kernel has proven as
well. In an xterm you can always fire up any console program but the
reverse is probably not exactly true, isn't it? 
                                                  Regards, P. *8^)
   Paul Seelig                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   Our AMA Homepage  in  the WWW at  http://www.uni-mainz.de/~bender/

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