In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Arrigo Triulzi  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>       I have now reached a count of 56 for the number of Debian
> boxes under my control and keeping them in sync (with rdist and lots
> of hacking) is beginning to get out of hand.

I've been doing multiple-box management for a while and eventually
I realized that I really don't want them in perfect sync.  I want to
be able to do gradual rollouts when new packages appear.  That way if
something is broken, I break it on just one machine and will notice it
before the rollout gets too far.

What I do, then, is just to run dselect every now and then and install
new packages.  I test whatever I've upgraded a bit, and then I let it run.

Your situation may be different -- I'm only dealing with about twenty
machines, and they are mostly servers rather than workstations.

The kernel is not in-place upgradable so you will need to give it
some special-case handling.  A postinst that does a shutdown -r is
a possibility...

Also, many postinst scripts are interactive; you will need to think
about how to handle that.
Shields, CrossLink.

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