(2 cents worth) 8-) I perceive 2 separate issues going on this list pertaining
to improving Debian. Issue 1 - Easier installation; Issue 2 - friendlier
"dselect". On installation issue, I'd like to see a return to the installation
of release 0.93 - A custom mode for the experienced Debian user and a "newby"
mode (with uncluttered DOS-like screens) for the raw newcomer to Debian. 
On the dselect issue, a lot of information is crammed into the presentation
making the "upgrade" process more difficult than it needs to be. I refer to
"dselect" as an upgrade process because at the point that dselect is called,
the base OS is already in place/installed. You are then "upgrading" the base
into a fuller, more usable system. 

I would like to see a "dselect" organized by applications rather than the 
current packages/sub-catagory presentation. Example:

I start this new program and have a screen oriented by application:

(these are merely suggestions and are not set in concrete)

communications  non-networking communications
documentation   all documentation
development     as is currently
games           all games 
graphics        anything which creates, massages, transforms graphics
misc            catch all- math, electronics, hamradio, "misc", etc.
networking      any networking functions- mail, news, utilities, etc.
printing        anything dealing with printing- TEX, lout, etc.
system          admin, base, shells, X windows, etc.

I need communications; I move the cursor to the communications "folder" and
open it. Now I see a new screen with efax, minicom, and uucp (applications!)
Now I move the cursor to minicom and select it. At this point, dselect would
select minicom _and_ all other package(s) needed by minicom. If a conflict
exist, then a "popup" box would appear stating that there was a conflict and
offer to either take care of it immediately, or wait until later. 

I suggest a new "dselect" called "aselect". (keep the current dselect!)
"aselect" would be for the "newby" or applications oriented person to upgrade
his base installed Debian. When the installation is finished and the person
reboots, does the admin stuff, they have the opportunity to either use the
applications oriented "dselect" or the packages oriented "dselect" with the
default going to applications.

- Sent by Debian 1.2 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK

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