On 9 Jan 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>       The kernel-source package is just the "pure" sources from
>  Linux in /usr/src/kernel-source-X.XXX directory. Nothing is added to
>  that directory tree. It does contain pre and post install scripts to
>  help maintain /usr/src/linux symlink -- you can then have multiple

This link is no longer needed to compile kernels.  My kernel
source trees are in /usr/local/pub/kernels with no links to

>       The point is, there is no difference in the kernel code. The
>  statement that the kernel source package is less fine tuned
>  than the original sources is a fallacy. 

That's true.  I just had kernel sources already and have
downloaded the releatively small patches along the way intead of
the whole source tree again.  I might be a cool thing to have a
kernel-patches package though.  This would need to depend on
kernel sources of course.

Richard G. Roberto
011-81-3-3437-7967 - Tokyo, Japan

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