On Thu, 9 Jan 1997, Kendrick Myatt wrote:

> Ok, so somehow I downloaded a lot of stuff I just don't want, like X, emacs,
> TeX, and a host of little things like the little calculator program... I
> fire up Dselect and go to remove, and then it comes back to the menu screen
> with Exit highlighted.  Is this normal?

It's normal for dselect to move from step to step if no errors occurred.  
So, if the remove step was completed with no errors, it will return to 
the menu with the quit step selected.  There is no penalty for doing 
steps out of order. :)

> I did a dpkg --list, and I have a LOT of packages installed, apparently.  I
> know that one is not to use dpkg directly to install and remove, right?  Is
> there some way that I can force dselect to work for me?  I figure that way I
> will not accidentally delete a package that another package depends on :)

There is nothing wrong with using dpkg directly.  Unless you use the 
forcing options, then dpkg will not allow you to violate dependencies or 
to remove essential packages.  If you want to remove emacs, then just 
type "dpkg -r emacs".

> Also, if I want I can ftp the packages that I want to a directory and then
> run dselect from there, right?  I see things on the site I want, but going
> through that dselect ui is harder than doing it by hand, IMHO.  I do,
> however, appreciate the idea of packages (love it in Solaris!)

Actually, I do it both ways.  If I know I want a group of packages 
(usually from the unstable tree), I ftp them to a directory, and then 
type "dpkg -i *.deb" in that directory.  But, dselect is actually a 
powerful upgrade management tool once you're used to it.

dselect manages the command line options of dpkg for you, occaisionally 
taking care of advanced options like --force-depends so the user need not 
do so.  However, dpkg is the heart of the system, and some folks use it 
exclusively to manage their systems.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    UCSD Physics Dept.

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