I agree...
        Now that I am in love with my Debian box, I can tell that a LOT of
work must have gone into this, and the benefits are great.  In my case, all
that I needed to do was NOT put commas between my nameservers.  If this had
been in my install.html file, then I never would have had confusing problem
one that sparked so much traffic back and forth.
        Now, I'm also wondering if I am the first person to run into this,
but I don't think so.  I think it would be easy to simply update the
install.html to tell first-timers (like myself) to NOT put the commas.
Heck, I'll change the page myself if anybody wants me to :)
        I know that documentation is always the last phase of any project,
though.  I expect that it will all work out in time, especially with all the
input from users.  Hopefully I'll even be able to contribute somehow, maybe
a package or such.



At 11:19 PM 1/9/97 -0500, Daniel S. Barclay wrote:
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
>> My first Linux installation was Slackware 2.3.  I did it with no access to
>> thereby saving a great deal of time?  Or, better yet, providing good
>> documentation?  All my problems with both Slackware and Debian were due to
>  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> poor documentation.
>(Not to ignore all the hard work that has gone into the system, and all
>software and documentation we do have, but to emphasize something that is
>needed to take advantage of all that hard work.)

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