> I have been trying to instal X on my linux box, and everythig in
> theinstallation went ok.  whenever I start xinit or startx, however, it
> rolls by some startup mgs and then gives me the following:
> (--) SVGA: There is no mode definition named "640x480"
> (--) SVGA: Removing mode "640x480" from list of valid modes.
> (--) SVGA: There is no mode definition named "320x200"
> (--) SVGA: Removing mode "320x200" from list of valid modes.
> I have de-installed and re-installed several times, checked my XF86Config
> (and several others) and everything seems to be set up right for my card (a
> Paradise Accelerator Value card) and my monitor.  The two modes ARE defined
> in XF86Config, both in /etc/lib and /usr/X11R6/lib/X11, but it's not picking
> them up.  I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why.
  The file XF86Config, should be in /etc/X11, and /etc... Don't change the
file in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11.  Copy that file into /etc, if you are running
plain XFree86, or into /etc/X11 if you are running the debian packages (and
make /etc/XF86Config a symbolic link to /etc/X11/XF86Config).

  If the server is removing modelines from the valid modes list (and there
are modelines defining these modes), it is because the modeline doesn't fit
with the selected clock, horizontal sync range and vertical refresh rate. See
if you find a message saying "Modeline "640x480" needs some syncrange", if
this given sync range is outside the syncrange given in the Modefile, this
is the cause.  I've also come to experience, that defining virtual screen
size that is less (or equal) than your actual screen size, will give problems. 

There should be a message stateing this...

  But look at the last line, when the server returns to your console, or take
the output of 'startx' and redirect it into a file, to see the entire message
given by the server.  It should also give you a reason, near the end of the
output stating why the server didn't start... you may need that for further

Ørn Einar Hansen                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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                                    fax; +46 035 217194

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