I would like to hear about peoples experinece with inexpensive color printers used from debian. I am considering buying one for my system. It will see fairly light duty, since I have an HP LJ 5m as my main printer suplemented by some heavy duty dot matrix machines.
I was going to get a Postscript machine (HP probably) but I found out that the cheapest Postscript machine they have is the 1600CM, which runs around $2000 street price. That's more than I want to pay for this. So please tell me about your experiences (good and bad)and howyou use them (ghostcsript ). Thanks. -- Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] 404-996-6955 Factory Automation Systems Atlanta Ga. -- Look, look, see Windows 95. Buy, lemmings, buy! Pay no attention to that cliff ahead... Henry Spencer (c) 1996 Stan Brown. Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]