Hi Benedikt,

You wrote:
> Well, all the icons together don't take up that much space, and just
> before I wrote about this, I had the problem, that I needed an xterm-hp or
> hpterm icon. Just for that I needed to install ctwm (which otherwise I
> don't use). And also, just looking at the names of the icons, there seem
> to be quite a few duplicates.
> I think putting the icons into the a single directory could be a first
> step, but as the window-manager icons can also be used in other
> window-managers, I don't see why I should be required to install all WM's
> just to have all icons around. That's why I said I'd rather have all icons
> in one package that is required by those packages that presently contain
> those icons.
Hmmm...I hadn't thought of it like that. You are right, I do sometime
use different icons then one that came with the package. Do you use mc?
You can use mc to see the insides of package and extract file(s) you
want without having to unpack. I use it all the time for such a thing. 


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