At 07:53 PM 1/10/97 -0600, you wrote:
>I installed postgres95 and postgres95-dev, and get this message when I try
>to start postmaster:
>postmaster: can't load library ''
>so I look for libbsd and find a libbsd.a, so I make a symlink. Now when I
>run postmaster:
>postmaster: '/usr/lib/' is not an ELF file
>postmaster: can't load library ''
>What can I do?
>Walter L. Preuninger II

I have had this exact same problem trying to run postgres. . . I assume that
the libbsd is an older a.out file, butI have noidea where to find it in ELF
format. Does anybody know where this file ( can be
found/dl'd/ripped off?  If that IS the problem, I'm not sure, but any help
would be appreciated.


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