On Sun, 12 Jan 1997, Richard Sevenich wrote:

> I recently updated from Debian 1.1.4 to Debian 1.2.1 using a CDROM supplied
> by Dale Scheetz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). I decided to update via dselect and
> would like to share my experience. Dale responded graciously to several of
> my questions to get me started. Here is the scenario:

Richard is being over generous with his praise. I was highly distracted
(cooking dinner) and, as I remember it, the gist of my response to him was
a long winded version of "you need a symlink somewhere".
This analysis is very nice. Thank you Richard. I will be sure to include
the stable link and change the non-free/binary-i386 to binary in the next
release (1.2.3).
For those using an earlier release, the following is a complete solution.
> 0. mount the cd; let's say '/cdrom' is the mount point
> 1. 'dpkg -i /cdrom/rex-fixed/binary-i386/base/ldso_1.8.5-1.deb'
>    to satisfy a predepend for perl update
> 2. 'ln -sf /cdrom/rex-fixed /stable'
> 3. 'ln -sf /cdrom/contrib /contrib'
> 4. 'dselect'
> 5. Within dselect, choose "mounted (Install from a mounted file system
>    which is already mounted)" as the access method - restrain yourself
>    from choosing "cdrom" as the access method.
> 6. When dselect asks for "distribution top level [none]', enter '/'
> 7. It will complain about not finding 'non-free/binary-i386', so enter
>    'cdrom/non-free/binary' - note no initial '/'
> 8. The cd didn't have a 'local', so at that point I entered 'none'
> 9. You'll now be admitted into the bowels of dselect to make your software
>    selections etc.
> Some of the choices above seem non-intuitive/capricious, but I trundled down
> some blind paths before this worked for me - you may find a more sensible
> scenario.
> Regards, Richard


------------                                          --------------

aka   Dale Scheetz                   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
      Flexible Software              11000 McCrackin Road
      e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Tallahassee, FL  32308

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