Hi, i'm trying to reinstall Debian on my machine but i seem to be having a
problem with the rex-fixed vertion of the resq1440.bin file. i've
downloaded it off ftp.debian.org and also tried places like uiarchive and
After I write the image to a disk (w/rawrite2) and reboot it goes though:
loading root.bin,
and then gets to:
loading linux.bin..............

Then the system reboots. I've tried at least 15 disks. and every time i get the
same result. I can boot my old v1.1 boot.bin disk just fine. If anyone can
help me with this problem i'd greatly appreciate it! Here's my system.

Compudyne Pentium 60
40 Megs of ram
BIOS v1.2R1.6

(if more info would help just let me know.)

Thanks a lot,


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