Pete Templin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: If any one else wishes to provide this service (in a more standard

There is a mailinglist "" which works just
as any other Debian mailing-list (if you don't know what this means, it's
the wrong list for you). Please keep the traffic low on this list in the
following sense:

Over the past 2 years I've seen 99.99% good suggestions in this business.
Only 0.01% (or less) code. That's the reason why we do not have a better
dselect today: nobody actually got his fingers on the keyboard and
implemented it. Did you now that the problem is just that "easy"?

Yes, we all agree that "dselect" should be improved. We agreed about it 1
year ago, too. So please nobody wastes his time by making good
suggestions. We need coders, nothing else.

I warn you: if you are serious about coding, you will need _much_
time. It's far more work than one usally expects because you will have to
program something which suits everyone: package maintainers, first time
newbies and experts. Not to forget writing documentation, signing up
long-time responsibility for the tool ...
I estimate the workload at about 8h/week.


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