On Sun, 12 Jan 1997 16:09:00 PST "Kevin Traas" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

> > So what happens is that pppd is started while diald thinks you're
> connecting... It cannot install the defaultroute too...
> Wow!  That explains things!  
> Thanks *so* much for your help!  And an answer in only 14 minutes too!  How
> can you beat that?  

You just got lucky I was logged at that time :-)

> > Here are my scripts:
> Thanks!  I'll go over them tomorrow (when I get back to work) and implement
> the appropriate changes and give it a try then.  (I particularly like the
> option for multiple phone numbers....)

Yep. I picked this script in the ppp (or was it diald ?) examples 
directory and added the capability for multiple phone numbers to be 
tried in a row. Now I'm not using it anymore, but I kept it.

> I'll let you know how things go.

Yes please.


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