On Mon, 13 Jan 1997, Casper BodenCummins wrote:

> Hamish Moffat wrote:
> >>>Good. Any chance you could not send all messages as MIME, either?
> >>>Real PITA to read with plain jane elm on a character terminal.
> >> 
> >> Couldn't you pre-filter your email with procmail and a MIME extraction
> >> program? Maybe the packages mime-support (which `can be used to turn
> >> virtually any mail reader program into a multimedia mail reader') or
> >> mpack?
> >
> >I'd love to. But this machine is not a Debian box, it's my
> >account at university running Solaris 5.5.1, and there's no procmail,
> >or munpack, etc. Only metamail, which isn't very friendly.
> >Unfortunately, I doubt my disk quota runs to a permanent copy of
> >procmail, which sounds quite featureful and therefore probably
> >quite large.

My solaris version of procmail is only 249k.  munpack and pine
are also _very_ available for solaris. 

> If you're using OpenWindows, the standard mail program `mailtool'
> understands MIME. (Couldn't your admins install a system-wide copy of
> procmail?)

Which version of "mailtool" understands mime?  I think only the
CDE mailer does, but I may be wrong.  In any case the solstice
mail reader understands mime and talks imap4!

> >> After all, MIME is so well established and you're imposing the lowest
> >> common denominator on us.
> >
> >True, but I see no advantage in sending absolutely plain text messages
> >as MIME when some people (such as me) will complain. When attachments
> are involved, I agree, MIME simplifies things significantly
> >and metamail handles this adequately. Although I still use
> >Netscape when I'm trying to send file attachments.
> I agree with you and Dale on this. I assumed we were talking about
> uuencoding `attachments' instead of MIMEing them - having a
> MIME-compliant mailer, I'm not aware of the extent of the problem.

MIME's base64 encoding method is _much_ more reliable than
uuencoding.  If text is being sent, it doesn't get encoded by a
mime mailer so I don't see what the problem is.  If I type on my
solaris box: "more /var/mail/richr" I can see the raw stream and
the text is not encoded.  Sometimes I do see a funky header
though.  Is this header what's confusing elm?  Why don't you just
put pine on the darned thing?  MIME is one of those "good ideas"
that got ignored long enough that it gained credibility and
finally is making it into main stream usage.  It would be a good
thing to try to accomidate it.

Just my $.02

Richard G. Roberto
011-81-3-3437-7967 - Tokyo, Japan

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