>>>>> "Keith" == Keith Leonard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Keith> The only dumb question is the one not asked. Maybe a newbie
    Keith> list should be setup so that these questions won't bother
    Keith> the people that are tired of answering the same old stuff
    Keith> (which isn't old to the newbie trying desperately to get
    Keith> his (or her) system running. Or perhaps we should just let
    Keith> them give up and return to the greedy world of commercial
    Keith> software and keep all this good stuff to ourselves.

Hear, hear, Keith!  I agree we should encourage people who are just
starting out to be forthcoming with questions after making a college
attempt to find the answer in the fine manuals available.

    Keith> Perhaps a mailing list called debian-knowitall would be
    Keith> good, then that mail would be cut to nothing, since no one
    Keith> would (or could) admit to being baffled by the system.

    Keith> Sorry for getting hot under the colar (sp?) but it burns my
    Keith> tail feather when I see people spitting from their ivory
    Keith> tower.

Remember, though: the only appropriate reply to a flame is no reply at

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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