On Wed, 15 Jan 1997, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

> Good post; I agree. My own server machine here at home (very non-critical)
> has two IDE hard drives and a SCSI CD-ROM, all attached to a VLB
> SCSI/IDE controller which I bought out of the junk basket from a local
> electronics store for $5. Works great under Linux. The rest of the
> system is a 486-33 motherboard and cpu I got for nothing,
> 12mb of RAM, 4mb in 30 pin simms, cranky old IDEs, a soundblaster
> cdrom, etc. Linux works well on it. Not for development for me,
> but a good web/smb/netware/print server.

This is somewhat pushing the limits but still a very reasonable use for 
an old machine with just enough resources to make it a pity to throw it 
away but not enough to use it as a primary machine (even after upgrades).

I am preparing to use a somewhat larger (just slightly - mainly more 
memory) machine as a hub for a leased line (with an FR card from Sangoma).

[Cyrix snipalia]

I could not agree more. There are two primary reasons to get a Pentium 
now - SMP and/or heavy FP work (be it games or number crunching).

---MAV                              (finger for PGP signature block)
My opinions are my own and only my own. Standard disclaimer applies.
Marc A. Volovic ([EMAIL PROTECTED])       Linguists do it cunningly

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