In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Kevin Traas

||  Although things work, I do have some strange messages appearing in
||  /var/log/messages.  Although things seem to be working okay, I think
||  they're probably something that should be looked into.  Can you "shed any
||  light" on this?

[Log cut]

||  So, I'm quite happy in that things are working; however, I feel I should be
||  concerned about the "PPP network layer died, but link did not. Probable
||  configuration error." messages and how the sequence repeats 3 or 4
||  times....

I think you mentioned in another message that you were using diald
0.14-8.  This looks suspiciouly like the bug in diald I posted a fix for
(in  Here it is again.  It's supposed to be fixed in
diald 0.15, but I haven't looked yet.  The bug's no problem if you don't
use ip-up, I think, but if you do use ip-up, you had better apply the
patch. Or upgrade to diald 0.15, last version. :-)

Cheers.                                                         Vincent.



The best noticeable effect of the bug is multiple spawns of the ip-up
script, usually shortly after connection setup.


When diald receives a packet on the proxy device while PPP ought to be
up, it suspects that PPP has gone down again.  It checks this assumption
by reading the output of "route -n".  If this output indeed shows PPP
to be down, diald waits for PPP to come back up.

The bug causes diald to fail to detect the PPP interface in the "route
-n" output.  Hence, it assumes wrongly that PPP is down.  When it
later detects that PPP is up, it re-spawns the ip-up script, which is
superfluous since PPP actually never was down.

PATCH (what you've all been waiting for :-)

This patch was made for the Debian source distribution of diald-0.14.

--- ppp.c.orig  Thu Apr  4 13:36:52 1996
+++ ppp.c       Thu Sep  5 21:40:36 1996
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ int ppp_route_exists()

     while (fgets(buf,128,fp)) {
-       if (sscanf(buf,"%*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s ppp%d",&device) == 8) {
+       if (sscanf(buf,"%*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s ppp%d",&device) == 1) {
            if (device == link_iface) found = 1;

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