On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 02:21:03AM -0600, Elizabeth Barham wrote:
> Sandip writes:
> > > > once in the text mode news, i type in the same query in the space
> > > > provided.
> > > >=20
> > > > i wanted to know if i can automate the whole thing or at least the last
> > > > typing a query part of it. may be i can store the query in a text file
> > > > and be done. there is an 's' option in lynx but i did not understand it
> > > > much.
> > >=20
> > > Do you mean simply visit the Text Google News Page?
> > 
> > no. not just visit the page. i already have it bookmarked. automation is
> > required more on entering the query. i type it everyday! sorry for
> > ambiguity in my original post.
> My apologies. You were clear with "the same query in the space
> provided". When I first read it I thought you were speaking of USENET,
> and when I understood you meant regular news I did not re-read that
> part.
> Regardless, though, you should be able to bookmark the search URL:

here is what i did. visited google, went to google news, went to text
format option. entered query in the space provided and saved the
document as bookmark.

now, it does open the page as expected with the query saved. so, thanx a

> The trick of this has to do with how the web-page author implements
> the query submission - via the POST method or via the GET method. If
> it's via the GET method, it can be bookmarked because the query
> parameters are passed to the web-application via the URL, such as the
> "q=india" in the above example URL. If it's via the POST method,
> similar name=value pairs are passed in the body of the *incoming*
> message and not within the URL.

now, that is interesting. i guess microsoft will love 'post' method so
that people can not automate anything! ;)

> To make an automatic query for the POST method, you could use the perl
> script POST (in libwww-perl)...
> ** OR **
> I just looked at the man page lynx(1):
>        -post_data
>               properly formatted data for a post form are read in
>               from stdin and passed to the form.  Input is termi­
>               nated by a line that starts with '---'.
> Perhaps sending the data in via -post_data would work, as in:
> lynx -post_data q=india -- http://www.google.com/

this is being one-up!


sandip p deshmukh

"You know, of course, that the Tasmanians, who never committed adultery, are
now extinct."
- M. Somerset Maugham

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