> I think this a simple enough question, but even my Unix teacher can't
> answer it.  I just installed Debian on my 586 Windoze machine, with a 200mb
> partition.  The first time I installed it on 100 megs but I ran out of
> room.  My question is how can I check how much space is left on my Linux
> partition.  I DOS, I can use chkdsk, is there a similiar function in Linux?

The desired unix command is "df".

Often you can find commands like this by using the "-k" (keyword) option
of man.  If you want to search for multiple keywords, pipe the output
into grep.

  callandor:~> man -k free | grep disk
  df (1)               - summarize free disk space

  callandor:~> df
  Filesystem         1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
  /dev/sda3             463950  345567    94422     79%   /
  /dev/sda1             478960  449048    29912     94%   /dos
  /dev/sdb1             198428  173112    25316     87%   /dosd
  ftp:/home/ftp         987251  786053   150192     84%   /home/ftp
  cvs:/var/cvs          987251  786053   150192     84%   /var/cvs
  home:/home/verisim    987251  786053   150192     84%   /home/verisim
  fax:/var/spool/fax    987251  786053   150192     84%   /var/spool/fax
  gnats:/var/gnats-db   987251  786053   150192     84%   /var/gnats-db
  gate:/export/tmp      987251  786053   150192     84%   /tmpmnt
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