On Sat, 18 Jan 1997, Robert Nicholson wrote:

> Exactly what is this multi screen session concept that allows you
> to type ALT-F4 and login again... I'd like to read the documentation on
> this feature.


This is one of many undocumented goodies which lie scattered throughout
the Linux universe, waiting for you to stumble across them.

It's called "virtual consoles", and alt-f[0-6] is the default
configuration if I remember correctly.  You have a whole bunch of consoles
available from your single keyboard/monitor, and you can switch back and
forth.  (I'm writing this from F3, where I usually keep my mailbox with
all of my mailing lists.) 

You could add more virtual consoles if you wanted, but you probably don't
need to.

Also, did you know that you can have a session going, quit from it, and
resume that session later?  You can, and the company that brings it to you
is not AT&T.  8^)  Do a man on screen and read for yourself.

Next thing you know, you'll be playing with (ctrl-z, bg, fg, jobs) and
command-line editing.

Ain't Linux great?
Todd Graham Lewis             Linux!                 Core Engineering
Mindspring Enterprises  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (800) 719 4664, x2804

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