On Fri, 17 Jan 1997, Paul Rightley wrote:

> Well, I alomost have a perfect Debian 1.2 system on my Thinkpad 365XD...
> Now I am down to only two problems - both of them I have seen mentioned here,
> but I do not remember if I have seen the solutions.
> The first problem is that syslogd is keeping the load on my machine at
> 1.0 even if nothin else is happenning with the system.  At the same time
> I get huge numbers of 'The last message repeated 123456 times' appearing
> in /var/log/messages'  Is there a way to get syslogd to work correctly?

It is probably of interest to see what that last message was. I is most
likely that process that is overloading syslogd.

> The other problem relates to loadlin.  After installing Debian 1.2 with the
> kernel sources (and compiling a kernel), I cannot get loadlin to successfully
> boot into linux.  When loadlin starts, I get the 'Loading......' and then
> I quickly get screens and screens of thing like '[sdfq2134345]'.  This same
> kernel works fine when booting from the floppy.  What am I doing wrong?
You need a newer version of loadlin. 1.6 is available in the "misc"
section of the 1.2 distribution and will load your kernel for you.



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aka   Dale Scheetz                   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
      Flexible Software              11000 McCrackin Road
      e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Tallahassee, FL  32308

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