On 20 Jan 1997, Carl Johnson wrote:

> I have XTerm handling colors, and 'ls' will also generate colors, but
> only for file types such as directories and executables.  The
> 'dircolors' executable just sets up "LS_COLORS=''", which isn't very
> useful.  The documentation for 'dircolors' refers to using 'dircolors
> --print-data-base' for help on what format to use, so I saved the
> output and tried running dircolors on it, but it still sets LS_COLORS
> to a null string.  Does anybody have any information on how to get
> 'ls' to colorize files by file name, such as the old color-ls used to
> do?  Unless I am completely missing something obvious, it looks like
> either 'dircolors' doesn't work, or the documentation is completely
> wrong (this is running on Debian 1.2).

There used to be an example input file for dircolors called DIR_COLORS.  
I have the same file, .dir_colors in my home directory that I used with 
the color-ls package.  To call dircolors, I do

        eval `dircolors /home/syrus/.dir_colors`

Then, I alias ls, dir, and vdir with the --color=auto option.  This 
option takes care of the question of which terminals are supported (these 
are also defined in the .dir_colors file as I recall).

The file /usr/doc/fileutils/color-ls.gz is brief but correct.  Note that 
the dircolors command must be executed with the exact syntax above.

        eval `dircolors` <--works
        eval 'dircolors' <--doesn't work (need ` not ')


Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    UCSD Physics Dept.

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