> I tried installing the mailpgp package but it complains about not
> having pgp-i or pgp-us. How do I install these,

You need to retrieve the PGP package, which is not on ftp.debian.org
because of the stupid EAR (formerly ITAR) export restrictions. Look at
the README.mirrors file (available at every debian FTP site) and
choose a site that carries the non-US packages.

> and how can I "automate" pgp into something like pine, for example?

Decrypting and verifying is easy enough, just pipe the message through
PGP. Encrypting and signing is a matter of setting up a script and
telling Pine to use it as an editor. The script runs your real editor
for composing, then runs PGP and gives the output to Pine for mailing.
I think Pine includes such a script already. RTFM.

There are actually quite a few ways to automate PGP, that's just one.

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