
A few weeks ago I moved /home to an NFS mounted drive to free up space on
my local drive. Now, I get this message mailed to me every morning.


Subject: Cron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> run-parts /etc/cron.daily
X-Cron-Env: <SHELL=/bin/sh>
X-Cron-Env: <HOME=/root>
X-Cron-Env: <LOGNAME=root>

find: /home/kevinm: Permission denied


I also have a problem with permissions in this directory depending on which
machine I am on. My Debian box is called 'pc13' (the network people won't
let me change it 8-( ) and the machine that has my NFS drive is 'rocalpha'.
Now, if I create a directory from rocalpha in my home directory, I can't
move or delete those directories from pc13. It does the same thing from the
other direction. If I do an 'ls -l' on this directory from either machine,
instead of listing me as the owner, I get a number (I assume this is the
user id) as the owner for "foreign" files. I think these two things are
related but I don't where to look.

The other problem I have is in updating cron. I downloaded
cron_3.0pl1-38.deb from and used 'dpkg --install'. Well dpkg
crashes with the following message.


bash# dpkg --pending --configure
Setting up cron (3.0pl1-38) ...
/usr/sbin/cron: can't lock /var/run/, otherpid may be 5014: Try
dpkg: error processing cron (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:


Now what do I do? I took a look at /var/run/ and it did contain
5014. Is there a way to look at the scripts from a package? The only thing
I can think of is that crond is not being stopped when dpkg tries to
replace it. 

Sorry for the long post but I'm really stuck on these.

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Matt Kracht wrote:
> If you think Debian has a tremendous amount of software, you should try
> or sometime.

You can still run all that cool stuff under Debian.

> I just found out that my Debian system
> compiled Linux 2.1.21 with the 2.0.27 kernel headers because someone
> thought it was a good idea to fuck with the Linux kernel and libc.  I
> have no idea whose idea it was split every library into two (or more!)
> packages, either.  This is ridiculous.  Under Slackware, when I want
> S-LANG, I go to S-LANG home page and ftp it, compile it, and install it.

Library dependencies and variations in configuration are a problem with 
any system.  Debian offers the potential to solve a lot of the problems.
It's not perfect, but it's constantly getting better.

> I don't know.  Maybe I'm just not in the correct mindset for Debian.  I
> like to run the latest stuff.  Debian offers, it seems, only the oldest,
> most stable software.  I just don't see why anyone would run Linux and
> not want to compile software, be on bleeding edge, and actually
> administer a UNIX system...  

Indeed you may not be in the right mindset.  If you have the time and the
inclination to compile and configure everything yourself, you don't need
any kind of package management system.

There will always be users who get great satisfaction from getting the 
system to work - "the joy is in the seeking, not the finding" and all
that.  I, however, don't need to be on the bleeding edge for everything.
There are a few packages that are vital to my work and I do ftp the latest
sources and compile them myself.  The rest is just a platform - the less
time I have to spend getting it working the more time I have for my real 
job.  That's why I like Debian.

> Unconfigurable software with horrid defaults, plain bad planning,
> changing industry standards without notice, etc.

These I would consider bugs.  If you think the "idea" of Debian is 
worthwhile (even though you don't like the present implementation) why
not put your energy into fixing it.  Make specific, constructive 
criticisms, or put together your own packages and contribute them.

          ... Ami.

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