Jason Killen wrote:
>Thanks for the pointer on fetchmail.
>The part about having procmail send the mail to an intermediate mail box
>is intresting and a little over my head (I don't know much about procmail,
>just a sweep of the man pages.) but I will try to work things out.
>Thanks a lot.
>On Wed, 12 Feb 1997, Behan Webster wrote:
>Jason Killen                            Question Stupidity
>Monolith : driven by inner daemons      "My thoughts of despair are getting
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]               loud."   --Social D.

If you are loosing mail, you might want to look in the /var/spool/mail
directory.  I don't remember what I did wrong, but earlier this year I
had a configuration problem and my mail ended up there with the user
name of "nobody".  I wish I could remember what I did to fix it (it
works now).  I think I had a problem with the ".procmailrc" and I
scrapped it and wrote another one (the old one had gotten a lot of
junk in it anyway.)  After this everything went fine.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]/GNU--1.2---Linux--2.1.25---
It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is 
both incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is
interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits singing about toilet
                -- Rod Serling

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