Rob MacWilliams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Try adding something like this to your /etc/smail/config file.  Obviously,
> you'll need to put
> your name and address in place of mine. 
> from_field="From: Rob MacWilliams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

AFAIK this will only work if the masage has no From: field. Smail will NOT
replace precent From: field. On the other hand I have not found any way of
geting MH NOT to add an From: field. I used to be able to get it to put in
the RIGHT From: adress with the line "localname:" in 
/etc/mh/mtstailor, but that dont work with the curen version :( I have yet
not found any docs discribing this change in MH and how to fix it nowdays.

Do anyone know how to configur MH nowdays or how to get smail to REWRITE the
From: field?

TIA /Lars
   /  / _/_ _/_ Lars Hallberg IT-konsult      Micro++
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 /   Micro++    OOP C++ WWW-Design Utbildning LINUX FreeWare

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