>>>>> "Yoav" == Yoav Cohen-Sivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Yoav>  My proposition - let's go for the more casual, yet
 Yoav> sophisticated user. A user that DOES want to read the Fvwm man
 Yoav> page to learn how to set it up to his own tastes, BUT doesn't
 Yoav> want to do it 2 hours after installing the system and in the
 Yoav> meantime he would like a nice default to help him get along.

I actually went and got the 'TheNextLevel' package from redhat (it's a
fvwm95 setup that is the standard desktop for redhat) and installed it
with alien after I installed Debian.  I then modified it to do fvwm2
instead of fvwm95.  Anyone who wants a fairly nice setup should
consider it.  It takes some tweaking however to make it work right
under Debian.  It seems to be distributed under the GNU Public License
as well if anyone wants to tackle making a package out of it (i might
if anyone is interested (fvwm2 not fvwm95)).


@James LewisMoss                 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Blessed Be!
@    http://www.cs.sc.edu/~moss  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Linux is cool!
@"Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours." Bach

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