> eventually you will be forced to upgrade do to changes in libc, the kernel,
> perl, etc.  It is my understanding from what I've read on this list that it
> is pretty much impossible to upgrade an "old" installation like mine
> without re-installing.

How "old"? I upgraded my 1.1.0 to 1.2.5 whitout any problems. After reading
about the dselct / perl problems on this list I disided to:
 1 first download all base pakages and install them with dpkg, rerunning dpkg
   some times untill all pakages was installed.
 2 then upgraded all the important pakages with dselect (all else on hold).
   repeted install and configur a numeber of times.
 3 Same procedure for standar pakages and the rest.

Think I manualy stoped cron somway down the road but I dont think thats neded

Went ok. Some problems with MH but I don't think its becose the upgrade
methode. X, gcc, latex etc is working! My sysload went high after step one
and login stoped working, making me nervus. All went fine after 60-70min all
by it selfe. Strange but my system was strange before (always been?). I got
to lern more U**X system administration :) (debian makes You get along almost
*too* good without it).

I think the 'hard times of the stabel tree' is more myth the reality. It is
some bugs in 1.2 but You can work around them if You read this list. Most time
You can upgrade/install anything You want and dselect tells You what more it
takes. Do what dselect tells You and it usualy works.

AFAIK the important bugs/missing featurs are worked on. I look forward to the
next stabel releas.

Thanx to everyone for this miracle (Debian, Linux, GNU...)

   /  / _/_ _/_ Lars Hallberg IT-konsult      Micro++
  /\_/\ /   /   www.micropp.se/lah            www.micropp.se            
 /   Micro++    OOP C++ WWW-Design Utbildning LINUX FreeWare

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