Hi.  i'm new to debian.  i recently installed debian 1.2 from
the InfoMagic CD set.

problem:  modem on /dev/cua2 is slow.  when you type, it takes
5-7 seconds to get an echo back from the AT commands on modem.

symptoms: modem works fine when i boot into windows 95, also
modem worked great under Slackware 2.0 (my previous install).

i've checked /etc/rc.boot/0setserial, it looks good.  its set
up for 0x3e8 and irq 4.  these are correct (confirmed by windows 95).
i've read the serial HOWTO, i checked /sbin/setserial -a /dev/cua2
-- all looks good. i've tried using different baud rates: 1200-38400;
it has no effect on the situation.

dip doesn't work anymore, i can ATDT to my local internet provider, but
it connects and there is a strange delay, and it only seems to want to
return small chunks of words (12 chars or less), most of the data is
missing.  once again, everything works fine under win95, and when i had
slackware up and running i never ever had a problem with the modem.
(USR Sportster 28800)

any advice?


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