> Gee, what's wrong with a suggestion to "Read The Fine Manuals"???

Oh, it's read the _fine_ manual, is it? Everything I know is wrong!

One would hope that we could answer questions on this list in a polite
and respectful manner, especially since there's absolutely no way that
we could ever expect people to know all of this stuff. While Billy is
helpful I suspect he's one of the parties who could most use the "polite
and respectful" practice.

Or Billy could just hang out more on the developers lists, where we light
into each other like siamese fighting fish. I've been getting an excellent
course in developing a thick skin over there. I'm almost ready for politics.

Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
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