Richard Morin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, 3 Mar 1997, Lawrence Chim wrote:
> > Date: Mon, 03 Mar 1997 20:29:34 +1000
> > From: Lawrence Chim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To:,
> >     Dark Lord of Sith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: AWE32 problems.
> > 
> > Dark Lord of Sith wrote:
> > > 
> > >         I just can't get the AWE32 sound card to work under debian.  It
> > > works fine under dos,95, or NT.  I've installed all the patches and tried
> > > running it with kernel 2.0.27, 2.0.29, and 2.1.26 with no success.  I use
> > > the I/O ,IRQ and DMA values out of the manual which match the ones in
> > > 95.  The card is plug and play.  If anyone know of the setting that work
> > > or have any ideas please let me know.  Thanks!
> > > IRQ: 5  DMA: 1 and 5
> > 
> > It is possibly becuase your sound card is PnP and you need the PnP
> > patch or download the isapnptools from
> > 
> > lawrence
> > 
> > 
> isapnptools is available as a .deb package.
> Haven't tried it yet, but it is installed.
> Does anyone know if it is possible for a pnp sound card to configure
> without that package, on previous versions of debian?

Yes. I do not like this approach but it is possible. It may also be helpful if 
are setting the kernel parameters for the sound first and you would like to
attack the PnP mess later:

1) If you configure your PnP board in autoexec.bat / config.sys in DOS, just
   boot into DOS first.

2) If not, You should boot into win95 in order it configure your PnP board.

Anycase, note the IRQs, DMAs that were attributed to your board.

3) Boot to linux now. Either use loadlin, or just use a worm boot (no reset
   botton, no power botton) like Ctr-Alt-Del. 

>  I'm havin a heck of
> a time getting sound support compiled into my kernel, and now I think it
> is because its a pnp card.

You are probably right.

>  Funny thing is with deb 1.1 I was able to
> config my kernel for sound no problem.

Even for your PnP board. It sounds strange for me that Debian 1.1 could manage
PnP boards and 1.2 could not.

>  ahhhhhh I'm just havin' a bad
> week, first pon, now my sound...<virtual scream> I feel better now...

Note: Last time I did such configurations, it was done over a RedHat
installation and I did not start to compile the kernel in my fresh debian
installation. I could even start to play some music in linux, hit ctr-alt-del,
go to dos, and the music was not interrupt. I could also do the reverse.
I was using some patches for the kernel. I will try isapnptools next time in

Alair Pereira do Lago  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <>
Computer Science Department -- Universidade de S~ao Paulo -- Brazil

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Date: Tue, 4 Mar 97 14:33 PST
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruce Perens)
Subject: Debian Management Re-Organization
Reply-To: Bruce Perens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Debian management is being re-organized. I have added two offices:

        Daniel Quinlan is Senior Vice President
        Brian C. White is Vice President of Engineering

Administrative matters of the Debian project are delegated to Dan,
and engineering decisions are delegated to Brian. Between them they have
authority for all day-to-day operations of the project. I will retain the
office of President, and I will concentrate on Debian's relationship with
other entities and on some large policy planning issues.

After a long time in the Debian management, the pressure of the
ever-growing project became too much for me.  There are also a number
of projects that I've put off for too long, and would like to have at
least a little time to work on them. Thus, the delegation. These two
new positions are currently pro-tempore, but I have no reason to doubt
that the board will make them official for a full one year term once
the board votes on its own constitution.


        Bruce Perens
Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
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