
        I am afraid that you have run into restrictions about the
 version numbering scheme imposed by Debian Policy. Your revision
 number is taken to have an upstream version (work) and a
 debian-revision, which is the rest of the revision field. The
 upstream version is not allowed to have only non-digits. remove the
 hyphen (replacing it by a period `.' and all will be well.

        try make-kpkg --revision work.1.2.3 kernel-image
 (no hyphens), and things should work.

        I'll try to document this in the readme file.

                     dpkg programmers' manual - chapter 5
                               Version numbering

   Every package has a version number, in its Version control file field.

   dpkg imposes an ordering on version numbers, so that it can tell
   whether packages are being up- or downgraded and so that dselect can
   tell whether a package it finds available is newer than the one
   installed on the system. The version number format has the most
   significant parts (as far as comparison is concerned) at the

   The version number format is:

   The three components here are:

          This is a single unsigned integer, which should usually be
          small. It may be omitted, in which case zero is assumed. If it
          is omitted then the upstream-version may not contain any

          It is provided to allow mistakes in the version numbers of
          older versions of a package, and also a package's previous
          version numbering schemes, to be left behind.

          dpkg will not usually display the epoch unless it is essential
          (non-zero, or if the upstream-version contains a colon);
          dselect does not display epochs at all in the main part of the
          package selection display.

          This is the main part of the version. It is usually version
          number of the original (`upstream') package of which the .deb
          file has been made, if this is applicable. Usually this will be
          in the same format as that specified by the upstream author(s);
          however, it may need to be reformatted to fit into dpkg's
          format and comparison scheme.

          The comparison behaviour of dpkg with respect to the
          upstream-version is described below. The upstream-version
          portion of the version number is mandatory.

          The upstream-version may contain only alphanumerics and the
          characters + . - : (full stop, plus, hyphen, colon) and should
          start with a digit. If there is no debian-revision then hyphens
          are not allowed; if there is no epoch then colons are not
          This part of the version represents the version of the
          modifications that were made to the package to make it a Debian
          binary package. It is in the same format as the
          upstream-version and dpkg compares it in the same way.

          It is optional; if it isn't present then the upstream-version
          may not contain a hyphen. This format represents the case where
          a piece of software was written specifically to be turned into
          a Debian binary package, and so there is only one
          `debianization' of it and therefore no revision indication is

          It is conventional to restart the debian-revision at 1 each
          time the upstream-version is increased.

          dpkg will break the upstream-version and debian-revision apart
          at the last hyphen in the string. The absence of a
          debian-revision compares earlier than the presence of one (but
          note that the debian-revision is the least significant part of
          the version number).

          The debian-revision may contain only alphanumerics and the
          characters + and . (plus and full stop).

 A man forgives only when he is in the wrong.
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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