On Wed, 5 Mar 1997, Pete Poff wrote:

> Dear Sir or Madom,
>       I have servel question to ask.
> 1. How do I access my floppy drive?  All I know is that it is fd0.

the mount command can be used to mount a floppy - but remember to unmount it
again before removing it from the drive!!

    mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /floppy
will mount the floppy in fd0 on directory /floppy (if /floppy exists).

note: unless you set up permissions to allow normal users to do this, this
is a privelidged (root only) command.

see 'man mount' for more info.

> 2. How do I copy files off of a MS-DOS floppy?

you can use mtools to copy files to/from a dos floppy.

    mdir a:               # get a directory listing of a:
    mcopy a:file.txt .    # copy file.txt from a: to current dir
    mcopy file.txt a:     # copy file.txt from current dir to a:

see 'man mtools', 'man mdir', 'man mcopy' etc for more info.

> 3. How do I use my modem to connect to a local unix server?

minicom is a good terminal emulator for linux.  it is fairly similar in
style to telix.  it's probably the easiest terminal program to use.

there are other programs too:
    cu  -- comes with uucp package.  useful sometimes but more suited to
           scripting than interactive use.

    seyon -- X windows based terminal emulator.

    ckermit  -- good comms program, but can be difficult to use until you
                get used to it.


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