>>>>>>>> On Wed, 5 Mar 1997,, Britton wrote:

 Britton> I admit I don't remember how the bit codes work (especially
 Britton> the suid bit) but it looks like you are trying to create a
 Britton> suid shell script. This isn't allowed under linux anymore
 Britton> (or System V, I think) because it caused too many security
 Britton> problems. Forgive me if I'm wrong.
 Britton> I like six eggs when starting on a journey. Fried - not
 Britton> poached. And mind you don't break 'em. I won't eat a broken
 Britton> egg. -- Thorin Oakenshield

Yes, Yes, Yes, It's my stupid mistake, but that doesn't metter, any
other programming language will fit - c, perl (?), tcl, fortran,
pascal, ada, basic(as if it is a programming language), assembly if
you like :-).

Super though sound more like it, create group named shutdown (or
whatever) and add the people you want to have permissions to
shutdown the machine to the above mentioned group.

Add this to your /etc/super.tab:
shutdown::"init 0" \
  :shutdown uid=root gid=root

then you can run "super shutdown" and it should work.

Bilbo Beggins. (did I spelled it right?)

Boris D. Beletsky                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institute of Computer Science,          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hebrew University Jerusalem            home: +972 2 6411880

Boris D. Beletsky                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institute of Computer Science,          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hebrew University Jerusalem            home: +972 2 6411880

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Subject: Re: unsubscribe
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>>>>>>>> On Wed, 5 Mar 1997,, Gabriel wrote:

 Gabriel> oye ya deja de estar jodiendo gente!! no se que se traen yo
 Gabriel> no me he suscrito a nada porfavor diganme que esta pasando
 Gabriel> espero que me lo escriban en espaniol!!! what up???
 Gabriel> written in spanish!!

Kto nibud' mne mojet raskazat' pochemu ya ne znayu ispanskogo?

written in russian!!!


Boris D. Beletsky                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institute of Computer Science,          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hebrew University Jerusalem            home: +972 2 6411880

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