Hello all,

I have an Debian GNU/Linux 1.2.2. 

The problem I have is as follows:

After booting the PC, the syslogd daemon is permanently in the run
state. Therefore the PC (486DX33) is very slow. When I kill the syslogd,
and start it by hand with "/sbin/syslogd", the syslogd now sleeps.

I think this is a problem of the "start-stop-daemon" perl script, which
is used in the /etc/init.d/sysklogd startup script.

This problem I have only since last week. I remember, that I deinstalled
the inn package at this time. Could that be the reason for this

Thanks in advance,

Karlheinz Nolte, VS/ETB5, ALCATEL SEL AG 
D-70430 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.:  +49-711-821-41834

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