>>>>> "Jamie" == Jamie Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Jamie> How can I access my floppy and cd-rom drives?  Also, how
    Jamie> can I access my ms-dos partition on my hard drive?

Put the following lines in /etc/fstab...

/dev/fd0        /floppy         auto    noauto,user     0       0
/dev/cdrom      /cdrom          iso9660 noauto,user     0       0

Then you should be able to mount floppies and cds with 

mount /floppy
mount /cdrom

Have a look at the fstab manual page to understand the options (you
might have to change the /dev/cdrom entry to your cdrom device).

For the msdos partition try something like

/dev/hda3       /dos            msdos   defaults        0       0

Where "/dev/hda3" you replace with your msdos partition. This should
then get mounted at boot time (or become root and "mount /dos"). Make
sure that an empty directry /dos exists! There are lots of options for
msdos partitions as many unix features are unsupported.

If you have any more problems, feel free to mail me.



| Graeme A Stewart, pgp public key  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |
|  Key fingerprint =  AF C7 BF A4 52 D5 3C 3B  17 A5 62 43 DA 15 E8 97  |
|   "Keep a good head, and always carry a lightbulb."   Dylan           |

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