> Does anyone know if there exists a utility to try and repair dammaged
> gzip files? I have a tar.gz with 13 postscript files which were
> generated with an MSDOG graphics programme in the Dark Days,
> unforunately when I gunzip I get
> $ tar -xvzf figures.tar.gz 
> -rw-r--r-- graeme/staff  23145 Apr 17 11:00 1996 fig1.ps
> -rw-r--r-- graeme/staff 848606 Apr 17 15:27 1996 fig10.ps
> -rw-r--r-- graeme/staff  11253 Apr 17 11:00 1996 fig11.ps
> -rw-r--r-- graeme/staff 1013152 Apr 17 11:00 1996 fig12.ps
> -rw-r--r-- graeme/staff  888283 Apr 17 11:00 1996 fig13.ps
> gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
> tar: Unexpected EOF on archive file
> tar: Child returned status 1
> I realise that fig13.ps is probably dead, but is there a way to get
> past the error and recover subsequent files?

Not necessarily so. Perhaps "gunzip figures.tar.gz" followed by "tar -xvf 
figures.tar" works out all right.

I think some earlier version of tar or gzip didn't handle the situation 
correctly when piping between them. However one by one it worked anyway.

Or are you sure that there ought to be more files in the archive file?

> Thanks,
> Graeme



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