On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Pete Poff wrote:

>  Hi,
>       the problem I am having is this.  When I try to download, it 
>  gives the message, Press any key to download or Alt-C to quit.  I do and 
>  it lagges for about 1-2 minutes, then goes back to the site I was on.  I 
>  check to see if the file is there and it isn't.  When I download from 
>  MS-DOS it displays a message that tells me how much longer I have until 
>  is done.  I don't know of minicom has something like this, but if it 
>  does, it's not showing one.  I'm going to try to see if I got the rz or 
>  whatever with minicom.
>                       Pete Poff---AKA---BlackJack
>             Personal E-Mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>           Kyron E-Mail Address:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>             Kyron address:        telnet.cyberconinc.com 4000

Hmm.  Are you using zmodem?  It does give you a time estimate (continually
improved) when it is working correctly.  You could also set up ppp and
just use ordinary services like ftp to move files around, which is what
you will probably want to do eventually if you are working on a MUD or
something like it.  Try zmodem first though.

I like six eggs when starting on a journey.  Fried - not poached.  And
mind you don't break 'em.  I won't eat a broken egg.  
                                              -- Thorin Oakenshield 

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