On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Vadim Vygonets wrote:

> On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Brown, Paul, BROWNPA2 wrote:
> > I've got Debian GNU/Linux 1.2 installed and working and have
> > installed XFree86.  It is working fine except for when it comes to
> > displaying an xterm it says that is cannot find a usable TERMCAP
> > entry.  What does this mean and how can I fix it ?
> Install package termcap-compat from admin section.


This is an xterm problem... It annoyingly sets TERMCAP. Just put "unsetenv
TERMCAP" in your .cshrc (or "export TERMCAP=" in your .bashrc and the
problem will go away. You don't need termcap-compat for that... And so you
very probably don't want it.

   Christian, termcap-compat maintainer.

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