On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Jean-Paul LACHARME wrote:

> I use fvwm2, and it works without real problem. Lots of desktop features are 
> designed within .fvwm2rc. In other systems, some X local features are 
> designed within a .Xdefaults file. I did not find any global template for 
> .Xdefaults in Debian. Nevertheless, I wonder if creating such a file can be 
> avoided when using X through fvwm2. I confess that I have not a clear idea of 
> which configures what. I suppose that .Xdefaults is just fit for raw X 
> commands and .fvwm2rc for the upper graphic layer, but it helps little.
> For example, it has been said that running a color Xterm (which is very 
> convenient) needs only to add the line 'Xterm*customization: -color'. OK. So, 
>  I created a .Xdefaults file into my home directory with this single line, 
> but this was without any effect (in fact, I expected no more. Things are more 
> complex). 
> I did not even success to change the default shinning white background of the 
> xterm windows (pity for my eyes !). I performed a grep white command on the 
> config files, but it gave me nothing. 
> Has somebody some ideas about it ?

Did you restart X?

Or, run xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults in an xterm, then execute xterm from
within the first xterm to pick up the new X resource database? (restarting
X sounds easier!)


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