Hi folks, I asked for help on this problem last week but since having
to change addresses suddenly I didn't get any replies (you might have seen
them bouncing) so here it is again. My linux box is almost unusable because
of this so I look forward to some help on the matter.


        Due to the ridiuclous dependancies involving Perl,io,libnet and
dpkg-ftp I now find dpkg-ftp broken. From previous experience of this I had
already the .deb file for io,libnet and dpkg-ftp. Installing these using
dpkg -i managed to install them correctly and dselect shows no errors or
files need "configured". Perl also appears to be installed OK , though I
don't believe it (more on that later).
        When attempting to use the ftp option of Dselect I get this error;

dselect (subprocess): unable to run query/setup script process
`/usr/lib/methods/ftp/setup': no such file or directory

query/setup script returned error exit status 2.

obviously I've knackered it up through all the
install/remove/install/remove stuff I was doing trying to get round those
daft dependancies.


        This problem is worse since it stops logging and halts mail delivery.
When my box boots I get the following errors showing multiple times as the
init process attempts to run the various daemons.


/etc/rc2.d/S10sysklogd: /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon: No such file or

This is the same for all daemons attempting to run..

When just sitting as root and trying to execute "start-stop-daemon" frmo
ANY directory the following error occurs.

bash: /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon: No such file or directory.

This is odd since it's finding the correct program and the path for it but
is saying it can't find it. Spook! I've looksed in /usr/sbin and
start-stop-daemon is definitly in there.

Help much appreciated. I've went so long now (for a newbie) without
reinstalling that I don't really want to start over again.

 Brian Skreeg - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fish Technologies Ltd.)

 Connecting via U-Net Ltd

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