I am having a bit of trouble configuring XFree86 to work with my
 computer.  I have a NEC Ready9618 with an NEC MultiSync XV15+ monitor.
The chipset on the video card is an Alliance ProMotion 6422 and it has  1
meg dram.
        Here's my problem.  I can get the display in X to look like
everything is not internally hemorraging(sp??), but the second I move the
mouse, everything goes. the picture starts breaking up.  No matter what I
do with it, this wont go away.  The only mode I can run in without this
hppening is like 640x480  with 16 color mode ithink, maybe it was 256.
        I was wondering ifanyone knew what was going on, or even better,
had the same setup and got everything working so i can get a few tips.

Joseph Palicke

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