On Fri, 7 Mar 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> (2) I seem to have a problem configuring my SVGATextMode program. For a start 
> I
> have a cirrus Logic GP-5446 Card and this in not listed amongs the list of
> supported cards (XFREE does) Also, could someone with a cirrus logic car, who
> has SVGATextMode running mail me their TextConfig file ...

There are many cards that are not supported, if you can't get it to
work with the 542x option, then you probably are out of luck with
SVGATextMode.  I don't know that new chipsets are being actively
added.  I haven't seen this type of activity anytime recently.  I
could be wrong.  

The only other thing I can suggest for changein video
modes is the vga= kernel parameter (appended to lilo or loadlin).  Use
vga=ask initially until you find a mode you like.  They specify that
one.  You will be limited to bios supported modes though.  Not as
flexible as stm.  If you are using a newer kernel, I believe there is
a compile config option to allow this.  You should verify that this
functionallity is compiled in.

Good Luck,

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