
        make-kpkg is part of the package kernel-package, which is
 designed to make it easier to compile kernels. The idea is that one
 configures the kernel to ones liking, using one of  make config, make
 menuconfig, or make xconfig, and then sit back and let make-kpkg take
 care of the details of creating a kernel-image*.deb file, which can
 then be installed with dpkg -i kernel-image*.deb.

        The command has to be run from the top level kernel source
 directory, and the kernel-image*.deb file is put in the parent
 directory (../). 

        I am biased, but I like to think it is desirable to let the
 make-kpkg take care of details like modules, System.map, and
 psdatabase files, as well as allowing simple upgrades, and easily
 removing older kernels, etc, without mishap. 

        Do read the documentation in the Documentation directory of
 the kernel source, /usr/doc/kernel-package (sfter you have installed
 it, of course), and man make-kpkg.

        I hope this helps.


 "Gentlemen, gentlemen!  You can't fight in here!  This is the war
 room!" Doctor Strangelove
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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