On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Mike Patterson wrote:

> The problem is that I'm trying to do a debian install in less than 100 
> megs. Of course this means forgoing things like X, etc... But every time
> I go through dselect and choose packages to remove, it refuses to comply!
> Instead, it complains about failed dependancies, etc, that are listed as
> ok. Does anyone know the magical combinations of packages to start out 
> with a simple system that I can add onto as I need to?
> As a side note, here's what I wante this machine to eventually do (in order):
> * Be mountable by my other Linux boxes
> * Act as an IPX router (needed for next requirement?) 
> * Have some directories mountable (shared) by my Win95 boxes
> * Act as a print server (using a local printer)
> * Allow dial-in PPP/IPX (Win95)

I have just finishing installing Debian on a 386 with 4 megs of ram and an
80 meg hard drive which is partitioned as 60 for Linux and 20 for swap
space.  My installation took up about 40 megs and it is very close to what
you require.

All you need to do is get rid of dselect.  Just get the installation
floppies and install those.  Then download the packages you need.  There
is one caveat:  I don't think the default Debian kernel comes with NFS
enabled so you'll have to recompile to kernel.  (I don't know about IPX.)
At any rate, you should recompile to get the exact kernel you need.

The long and short of it is that your probably not going to have enough
space to compile a new kernel on the 100 meg hard drive.  I didn't.  So,
what I did was just use a different computer to compile a kernel then put
the kernel on the small computer via sneaker-net.

Paul Serice

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