On Mar 03, 1997 at 01:52:34PM +0100, J.H.M.Dassen wrote:
> On Mar 19, Alexander Koch wrote
> > So you may see what Mutt is like. But you should be careful.  I'd say:
> > stick with the Debian- MUTT- Package and you're fine. It's not as news as
> > the real MUTT but it _works_ (believe me, it's a bit tricky to make it
> It is. Due to unclarity wrt ITAR for packages with hooks for crypto, such as
> mutt, the Debian mutt packages resides on debian-non-US sites nowadays. I've
> reported a bug against ftp.debian.org to get the old package removed.

Which is odd, because the mutt web page states that the author
(who resides in the US), does not want mutt exported from the US.
Odd that Debian takes it outside the US, and then won't let it
be exported back. As I understand it, you should be able to import
mutt (or any such weapons :-) just fine, but not re-export it.
Most of non-US though is software which uses RSA, which I understand
US users can't use because they use free RSA stuff, while
USA has patented RSA. (Must be a good point of discussion for the
LPF people?)

I tried to get 0.65 (beta) to compile here on Solaris, but
none of the US sites would let me have it and none of the
non-US sites had it yet.

Hamish Moffatt, [EMAIL PROTECTED],     Melbourne, Australia.
Student, computer science & computer systems engineering. 3rd year, RMIT.
http://yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au/~moffatt             CPOM: [****      ] 40%
PGP key available from web page above.

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