On Fri, 21 Mar 1997 08:40:01 EST Brian K Servis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]
) wrote:

> I was running the checksecurity program by hand after adding the types 
> vfat and supermount(not really needed) to the list of types to skip in the
> checksecurity.conf file and I got a kernel-panic.

You probably have found a bad sector and/or your partition table is 
broken. THe only thing you can do is to try a badblocks and add the 
badblock list to the ext2 fs. Or reformat and reinstall :-(

> The current ps shows a find on / which is the only entry to survive
> the parsing of the mount command in the checksecurity script.  I tried
> killing the find command with no luck, even kill -9 didn't work.  The
> load avg. climbed up to 3 and held steady.

It's normal. Process block in uninterruptible sleep when accessing the hd. They 
cannot be killed. And as the kernel choked... you got an unkillable process.


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