On Sat, 22 Mar 1997, Rick wrote:

> The files are dependant on order.  To update properly you should put what
> are expected to be the most recent files at the end of the list.
> Otherwise you may not be shown newer files that exist in other tree's.
>       [stable contrib non-free Debian1.2-updates unstable]
Would you recommend that I should try this from scratch or should it
be enough to correct this list and continue with dselect.

> >    findutils_4.1-20.deb:
> >      unable to create `usr/bin/find': Text file busy
> Should have done a ps -aux to see if find was being used at the time.  If
> not check for a lingering lock file.
I tried successfully another trick. As I wrote I mounted /usr via NFS.
I supposed that this would be the problem and tried the following:
   1) mv /usr/bin/find /local_usrbin
   2) ln -s /local_usrbin/find /usr/bin/find
where /local_usrbin is a directory on a local drive (root).
This worked for find but not for several other files (for instance
mcserv (from mc-package) and ispell). I'm really sure that this is
a problem of NFS. I've got I hint from other readers of this list
while asking further questions that there is a "File locking"-
mechanism of NFS. What about this? How to avoid this or come around
this tricky problem?

Thanks for the reply.
Are there any further hints.


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