Debian Users,

        I'd like to provide some interim information which some may find
helpful to explain some of the extra mail which has come through, some of
the reasons why people who unsubscribed are thinking that they are still
subscribed, and why others haven't seen their posts coming through the

        The official hostname for the lists is  Please
use it for all of your postings and subscription/unsubscription requests
(remember, send "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" to the REQUEST form of the
list, as debian-<listname>[EMAIL PROTECTED]).  

        At one point, (also known as by IP
address) was acting as for list delivery.  There are some
legacy mailing lists on that machine from approximately one month ago.  I
have requested that the folks who created those lists redirect any
incoming posting to the appropriate address.  In the interim, you may see
email from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Hopefully those lists will soon either
point to the correct list addresses or contain up to date subscriber
information.  If you think that you are subscribed to those legacy lists,
you do not need to worry...we will take care of the situation in the near

        The mailing list processor, Smartlist, does not accept submissions
from usernames which appear to be "system users" (i.e. root, admin,
daemon, bin) for either posting or subscription/unsubscription.  It is not
recommended that anyone utilize root or other system accounts for ordinary
mail and news purposes.  Please utilize your normal accounts for the
purposes of the Debian mailing lists (among other things)

If you have any questions about the above information or the lists in
general, please send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I or someone
else will provide you with answers.

Pete Templin, Debian List Administrator  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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